Land and Property: Dublin Registry of Deeds, 1713

Date: 12 Nov 1713
Place: Glanboy, Tallow, Co Waterford

Type of deed:Indenture release
Date of deed:12 Nov 1713
Date registered:3 Dec 1713
Abstract:Relates to earlier deeds: 1708-4-8/9 lease and release, Edmond Norris to Richard Gumbleton; 1708-1-15 deed of Edmond Norris to Richard Gumbleton of Ballygomash, Co Cork, for £100; 1711-9-12/13 deed.

Family nameForenameOf (place)TitleRole
NorrisEdmondGlanboy, WaterfordGent1st Party
CrokerThomasYoughall, Co CorkMerchant2nd party
GumbletonRichardBallygomash, Co CorkGent2nd Party to earlier deed
BarryThomasCity of CorkScribnerWitness
CrokerAndrewCork CityMerchantWitness
FrenchThomasCity of CorkMerchantWitness

11/257/4470 (Nick Reddan's Registry of Deeds Index Project)
12 Nov 1713

VancouverMike (Registry of Deeds Index Project)

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