Land and Property: Dublin Registry of Deeds, 1775

Date: 13 Mar 1775
Place: Waterford

Type of deed:Lease
Date of deed:13 Mar 1775
Date registered:
Abstract:John Croker and Richard Gumbleton to Thomas Garde for his life. Dunmore, Kilwatermoy, Ballyclement, Ballymok, Co Waterford

Family nameForenameOf (place)TitleRole
CrokerJohnEnsign in 63rd regt of foot1st Party
GumbletonRichardCastle Richard, Co WaterfordEsq2nd Party
GardeThomasGent, attorney of Common Pleas3rd Party
BaylyPeterYoughallGent4th Party
GumbletonWilliam Connor2nd son of Richard GumbletonWitness
GumbletonRobert Warren3rd son of Richard GumbletonWitness
PowerBarryCork CityGentWitness

307/314/204245 (Nick Reddan's Registry of Deeds Index Project)
13 Mar 1775

Nickred (Registry of Deeds Index Project)

People mentioned

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