Newspapers and journals: Poachers: a scene in court

Date: 25 Sep 1847
Place: Downton, Wiltshire

More Poaching—A Scene in Court

George Every and John Every (brothers), navigators, and Samuel Eldridge, an old soldier, all of Downton, were charged with trespassing unlawfully in pursuit of game, on the preserve of Capt. Trollope, of Downton, on the 14th of September instant. Wm. King, keeper, swore to seeing the three men in a piece of turnips, with dog and gun, beating for game. The magistrates sentenced the two Everys to pay 20s each, with costs, or one month's imprisonment; and Eldridge to pay 1s, and to be discharged. The 1s was paid; the two brothers were sent to prison.

On Gumbleton, the Downton superintendant of police, attempting to handcuff the two prisoners, they made a very powerful and serious resistance in the Court in the presence of the magistrates and others in the Court, John Every striking Gumbleton, and tearing his coat almost off his back; kicking Superintendant Abbott, of Wilton; biting police-constable Snaggs, and scratching in the face police-constable Norris; both the brothers fighting and striking all who attempted to secure them. At length the posse of police overcame them, got them down, and secured them by handcuffing them together. With great difficulty they were got to the city lock-up, where they remained till Wednesday morning, when they were safely lodged in Fisherton House of Correction.

Hampshire Advertiser
25 Sep 1847

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